It’s never too early to teach kids to start saving and learning about finances. Help your child establish strong savings habits while they’re young by giving them the building blocks they need for a solid financial future. Read below for more information about our youth account options and free parent educational resources.
Learn about these youth accounts:
Dollar Dog Kids Club
The Dollar Dog Kids Club is for our youngest members from birth to age 12. It consists of a special savings account that makes saving money fun and exciting with the help of our youth mascot, Dollar Dog.
How to join:
A Dollar Dog savings account can be started at any Cobalt branch or via Video Banking with an opening deposit of $5.00 or more. All accounts for members under age 18 must have a parent or guardian co-owner.
When they join the club, children receive the following Dollar Dog benefits:
- Membership card
- Savings register
- Punch card (for quarterly prize drawings)
- Online fun at the Dollar Dog Clubhouse
- And more!
How it works:
For each deposit made to their Dollar Dog savings account (excluding direct deposits and electronic transfers), children receive a punch on their card. Once they’ve accumulated 12 punches on their card, they can turn it in to any Cobalt branch to be entered in a quarterly prize drawing. There also will be special events and celebrations throughout the year where children will have the chance to meet Dollar Dog in person – and maybe at their school, too!
School Banking Days:
Cobalt partners with several elementary schools in our community to host “Bank Days” at our in-school banks. This allows children the access to make regular deposits to their Dollar Dog savings account at their school during designated days. Offering these “deposit-only” services for children in their schools helps them build their own savings. These school partnerships introduce the children to the importance of regularly saving money and helps teach them healthy savings habits that will last a lifetime.

Dollar Dog’s Clubhouse is always open for games, fun, and opportunities for learning!
Visit the Clubhouse by clicking the buttons to join in the fun!
Baby Bundle Savings Plan
Parenthood is an amazing time, watching your little one grow and change before your very eyes. Cobalt Credit Union wants your baby to achieve greatness every step of the way. With our Baby Bundle Savings Plan certificates, we’ll match up to $50 for a 12-month certificate and up to $100 for a 24-month certificate. You’ll also receive a gift for your little one from Cobalt!
How it works:
To open a Baby Bundle certificate, your child has to be under 12 months old and have a qualifying parent or guardian as a co-owner. This certificate will be in your child’s name and requires a minimum opening deposit of $30. This certificate automatically renews at the current rate for a 12- or 24-month fixed-rate certificate until you choose to cash it in, yielding a higher dividend rate than a typical savings account. The longer you keep it, the more dividends it accrues and the more money you have for your child’s future.
There is no limit to how often you can contribute to your Baby Bundle certificate, and your family and friends can also contribute – even if they are not members of Cobalt Credit Union. Download and print additional Baby Bundle cards to distribute to your family and friends making it easier for them to contribute to your baby’s future.
Find a Cobalt Credit Union Branch to open a Baby Bundle certificate today!

Financial Resources for Parents
For free financial education resources on teaching kids about money, please visit our Financial Education section for additional information on raising financially savvy kids.